Friday, February 27, 2009

PSB Responds Quickly

Just yesterday I took some pictures of one of the detention ponds along Louisiana between Nashville and Sacramento. All of the ponds have trash and debris. However this particular area (just on the west side of Louisiana between Nashville and Mobile) is becoming a dumping ground. The pictures above were sent to Paula Lisko-Apodaca, the Consumer Affairs Officer for the El Paso Water Utilities. In no time she responded with the following:
Mr. Tolbert,

I’ve just been informed that our field crews will clean up all three small ponds by next week. Once again, thank you for your email and letting us know of this situation.
If you have further questions, please let me know.

Paula Lisko-Apodaca
Consumer Affairs Officer
1154 Hawkins Blvd.
El Paso, TX 79961-0001
If you think that the City can do a better job managing stormwater and that your taxes won't be raised, then by all means vote to move control of stormwater to the City. Let's talk after your taxes are raised if the referendum passes.

One more thing, if you support open space and the preservation and restoration of natural regions in El Paso (arroyos, canyons, a mountain to river trail, bosques, wetlands, etc.), then know that the items in the Green Infrastructure Plan have been incorpated into the stormwater master plan whereas those same items have had no success being implemented under the City even though they should have been beginning two years ago!

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