Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finally: Swing and NIP Projects Set To Begin

After nearly two years of pursuing and securing NIP grant funds for the park and receiving a promise for new swings, work is finally set to begin at Newman Park on both projects.

Parks and Recreation administrator, Rick Garcia, reported that Steel Contracting, Inc. will be in today to sign the Notice to Proceed on putting in new playground swings. Steel Contracting had resubmitted its materials list which were approved. The notice to proceed is set for the 20th of this month - tomorrow.

Mark Alvarado of Neighborhood Services emailed Representative Byrd the following:
"I spoke to Javier Reyes regarding the completion date of the Newman Park improvements with NIP funds. Mr. Reyes stated that a contract was signed last week with A&R Contractors and that a notice to proceed will be issued on Wednesday. Based on this information, Mr. Reyes stated that the project is scheduled to be completed by July 20th. He also stated that this is stated in the contract with A&R."

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