Friday, March 19, 2010

A Sign Coming Our Way

A sign similar to this will soon adorn Newman Park

Newmanistas will soon have a beautiful new sign for Newman Park.

City Council members voted 8-0 to approve the latest round of Neighborhood Improvement Program requests amounting to $500,000 for sidewalks, parks and signs in several neighborhoods including our own. Spearheaded by Association Vice-President, Becky Friesenhahn, the Newman Park Neighborhood Association applied for and was awarded $14,800 for a new sign for Newman Park. It won't be just any sign. It will be similar to the beautiful signs that you see at the entrances of Scenic Drive.

Neighborhood Improvement Program funds come from Certificates of Obligation. The current NIP funds are from 2008 CO's. The City is not spending money that is used for the current fiscal year budget. Nevertheless, the El Paso Times ran an editorial today opposing the NIP funding. They asked, ". . . should $14,800 be spent so that Newman Park in Central El Paso can have a sign similar to those marking the entrances to Scenic Drive?"

Ah . . . yes.

Should the El Paso Times ever be taken seriously? Give them credit for Louie Gilot and Maria Cortés Gonzalez and a good story about the Poppy Festival in Tiempo today. That's all I'm going to say.

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