Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hola Vecinos Begins 8th Year of Publication

Today's e-letter begins the 8th year of publishing. It's been a pleasure. - Jim Tolbert

It’s snowing! Donna Stephens took some great pics of the park this morning. See them and get the inside scoop from our local National Weather Service office.

Big thanks to Laura Zweber who single-handedly repaired the doors on our Little Free Library. Not only did Laura repair a broken door, she improved the hinges and made the doors more wind-resistant. Thank you, Laura!

Speaking about the Little Free Library: We are very low on books. Remember this is a library. Take a book; return a book. Or give another book.  This is our library. Anyone can use it. That’s why we want to take care of it. Our LFL “offers a way to share good things to read – favorite books from your childhood or books you would recommend to friends; books that teach, intrigue and engage you. All of us can help by keeping this collection stocked with good reading material.”  It’s really simple: Take a book.  Share it by returning to any Little Library or pass it on to a friend.  Give books. Leave notes in the book. Let others know about your reading experience. Pass it on.  Bottom line: we are good at borrowing books but need to be better about returning or putting other books into the library. Please help.

We’ve been informed that the lettering for the new park sign will be delivered to the contractor this Friday. So – any time after that our new Newman Park sign should be completed. See a picture here if you haven’t already.

You know the routine. There weren’t any trash and recycling services on Tuesday (New Year’s Day) – so pick-up is this Saturday, January 5th.  Services return to normal Tuesday pick-ups beginning January 8th.

Finally, with this e-letter I begin the eighth year of ¡Hola Vecinos! It has been a joy to write these often weekly letters with news about our neighborhood association, city or more. Thanks for reading them and our blog.

Prospero AƱo Nuevo!

¡Hola Vecinos!© is an emailed newsletter for the people and businesses in the Newman Park neighborhood of El Paso, their friends and other interested persons. It is written and published by Jim Tolbert who takes sole responsibility for the content of the letter. To subscribe or unsubscribe, just reply to this letter or email

The mission of the Newman Park Neighborhood Association is to improve the quality of life in the Newman Park neighborhood through care and attention to the park and surrounding areas, and to build a community network of care, watchfulness and concern for each other and our beautiful desert environment.

This is Volume 8 and Number 1 published on January 3, 2013

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